Friday, 6 March 2015

Task 4

Final Animation

I haven't finished my animation, it stops right were Jonah meets the Alien, but as I was making my animation I stopped adding detail like my character walking, because it took a while to do. So instead I just had him there standing and not moving, but you can still tell whats going on. I would have really liked to add, the UFO I made in  photoshop but I didnt have enough time. I was also going to add music but I didn't have enough time.


When we first got this project I didn't quite understand, what we were so pose to make in the end. I also didn't understand what image manipulation was and how were were so pose to incorporate that into our animation. I understood that our animation, had to be about Jonah Felker a young blogger and detective. I was able to come up with a few story's but, I still didn't know how image manipulation was so pose to be added to our animation. But after doing the research, and figuring out what image manipulation was I was still a little confused. After one of my tutors Carolyn, guided and showed us how to manipulate an image, and how to make an animation out of that still image. I understood more about image manipulation and that gave me an idea of how I wanted my animation to turn out. I was actually thinking, about using the method that my other tutor Charlie showed us. It was to do with drawing an image of some thing, for example a person walking and each drawing would be the different movements of a person walking. Then you would take a photo of each of the drawings and then put them together in photo shop and it would become an animation and it would be a person walking. I was going to go with that type of animation, but it would take time, and I knew I wouldn't have enough time to complete it by the deadline date. So I decided to make the animation the other way, the way Carolyn showed us. I chose this because I knew I would have a better chance of completing my animation that way. I found this project a little difficult because, I didn't know how to add image manipulation to our animation. But once I figured that out the rest wasn't as bad. If I did this project again I would probably research more into image manipulation, and I would have worked more on the animation. I found it difficult to make a still image walk, I split the image into 3 different layers, so I had one leg on a layer, and the rest on another layer. I tried to make a leg turn but, if I did that then on each frame that leg would have turned, and it just messed every thing up. So I found that part a little difficult to deal with, but one of my tutors told me I could do that but I would have to duplicate the layer and turn the leg on that new layer. After I new that my animation looked a lot better, and my character looked like he was walking and not shuffling like before. I found this project interesting, because the style of animation was different and I learned a couple of new things in photoshop, and I thought the brief was different because it was a detective story. I think my animation turned out ok, but when I was taking photos for my background, people were watching me and I found it really embarrassing because they all looked at me like I'm weird, but it was and kind of a fun experience I guess.

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