Thursday, 4 June 2015

Stuff I Was Gonna Use

I made a few extra backgrounds for my animation, but I didn't manage to use them because time has run out. I was going to use this beach scene for the beginning of my dream. But its not finished, its missing shells that were gonna be spread out on the sand, and a few more rocks near the big rock near the ocean. They were gonna be leaning on each other.

Then I was gonna make the sun slowly set and the sky would go pinky. I did a quick example of what I wanted to do with the sky. But this scene was only gonna happen when my character is admiring the beach, and a shadow starts to chase him, so he runs and the sky starts to change, like the image on the left. I also designed the maze I was gonna use, My character was going to get lost in a hedge maze. The reason I designed it, was because I needed to know what it looked like from a sky view,for when my character enters the maze. I wanted a zoomed out view of my character entering the maze to give a spooky vibe to my audience. the view would have looked like the image on the right. I didn't manage to complete the look I was going for but you can still tell, what I was trying to achieve. But the design of the maze is the image below.

I also created a background for the scene, in space where my character gets trapped in the maze so he grows wings and fly's into space. Where he faces the shadow chasing him which turns out to be a monster, and then they have an epic battle, in space. The background is so pose to be stars every where, and there's a colorful nebula behind them. this would be the ending scene, where he get stabbed in the heart, by the creature and wakes up in a shock.

I also decided on the music I was gonna use for parts of the animation. I had a few songs to pick from, and I was going to choose by watching the animation once complete, and play each song, to find the right one which goes with the animation. These are the songs I wanted to use.

The first song was from an anime I started watching, when we began this project, its called Tsubasa Chronicles, and the song I wanted to use was called Siren Song. This song is played in the anime when they end up going into another world parallel or opposite to there own, and dark creatures live in peace there. They may look dark but they just live normally and peacefully. I found the song very enchanting, and magical. It sounded kinda dreamy to me to, and I new it would fit perfectly for a scene, in my animation where my character goes to sleep and every thing goes white, and he's just floating in a white background. He is not wearing anything to, because the dream is about to begin. Then orange particles start to flow towards him and gather on him to form his new outfit, which is an orange fox onesie. Then he starts to slowly fall and the background starts to slowly change into the beach and the dream begins. I wanted to use the first 30 seconds or so of the song, for that scene. The artist is Yuki Kajiura. Here is a link to the song:

Name: Tsubasa Chronicle - Siren Song 

The other songs I was going to use was from an artist called E.S Posthumus. I came across it on YouTube, and I really liked the music they made. I was going to use parts of these songs for the chase scene, and the fighting scene. But I haven't decide which ones I actually want to use yet. But these are the ones I like and think could work well with my animation. I have put the names and links of the songs below:

Name: E.S Posthumus - Nineveh

Name: E.S Posthumus - Tikal 

Name: E.S Posthumus - Pompeii

Name: E.S Posthumus - Durga

Name: E.S Posthumus - Ebla 

Name: E.S Posthumus - Menouthis 

Name: E.S Posthumus - Varuna 

I was looking at another artist, who I thought made great music, for dark or epic scenes. I would have used this for when, the villain shows up, or for a scary chase scene. I have put the names and links below:

Name: X-Ray Dog Canis Rex II - Apassionata

Name: X-Ray Dog Canis Rex II - Revolutionary (Mix 1)

Name: X-Ray Dog Canis Rex II - Revolutionary (Mix 2)

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