Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Vist to St Steven's Primary School

Me and my class my class mates went to visit, St Steven's Primary School for professional practice. We had to work with a year 6 class, a few of us presented our course work to the year 6 class. I was one of the ones who presented my work to the year 6 class, and I was very nerves. I ended up getting carried away and I couldn't stop talking because I was nerves. We each also had to work with a group of them and assist them with there claymations, the software they were using was very basic. They used plasticine and wire to make there models, the equipment they had to make the animation was a laptop and a webcam. As I was working with my group I was very uncomfortable, because they kept asking me personal questions and they were very rude, so I said to them that I didn't want to answer any personal questions. I was also very annoyed because one of the kids through some plasticine at me and I asked them politely to stop it, and focus on the work. Over all I thought it was ok but the group I had were very mischievous. As I was working with my group a kid from another group walked up to me, but found it difficult because he has a disability, and when I saw him in class he was on a wheel chair, he asked if he could look at my work because he liked it and, it made me feel really happy like I had a fan, he then came back and showed me his own drawings, which were really good. This made my day and kind of moved me as well, it also kind of inspired me to draw more.

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