Thursday, 11 December 2014

Evaluation, First Date Trailer and Poster

Finished Trailer


When I was first told about this project and we were given the brief, I didn't like it at all because it was filming and it was about a rom com. So when we first began this project I found it very difficult to come up with a story, I had half a story, but i just couldn't finish it. I manged to finish the story in the end but it still wasn't complete for me, when it came to filming. I tried to get the actors involved, so they could change the script or the scene so they would feel more comfortable acting and to improve the scene to make it more funny. After I filmed I started to like the project because, the difficult part was over. But as I was filming there were a few shots that turned out very bright and I didn't know what to do, but after I filmed the scenes and I got back to class I asked one of my tutor about the camera and why the shot turned out really bright, and it turns out that who ever had the camera before me changed the setting, but I was going to re shoot that scene but my actors were busy, filming with my classmates so I just had to edit the scene to the best I could and just use it in the trailer. Also after edited all my scenes and added all the extra sound. I need to add a song in the back but I found it difficult to pick the write one that would go with my story and my trailer. I ended up getting Celtic music so it would sound magical but then I added "Kylie Minogue - Come Into My World" which I really wanted to add to my trailer because it goes with my story, so I ended going through a lot of songs and I picked "Skillet - Its Not Me Its You" and "Kylie Minogue - Come Into My World", which I thought worked really well. If I could do this all again I would change a few scenes and I would alter the script because I would have liked to have added more humour.

Final poster


I really like making the posters, but I thought it would be easy to make so I ended up leaving the making of the posters to last. I actually really like this part of this project better than making the trailer. I didnt have enough time to make all the posters I wanted and in the quality I wanted, so I just did the best I could and only managed to kind of finish two posters and the third poster needs a lot of work. The first poster I made was the one with the books inbetween the two characters, the male character was so pose to be typography but, I didnt have enough time because I was focusing more on the filming that the posters. The second poster I made was the one I chose as my final poster, but the blank white hand was so pose to be in typography because he comes out of the book. The third poster I made is not complete and it is still very ruff, its the one with a back ground and the light shining down on the book. I really like this part of the project and if i had more time i would have added typography to two of my posters. 

Task 4


Almost every romantic comedies poster has a white background, and the two main characters are doing a pose. I think these posters are very simple and plain, but its quite effective, and it gets the point across. I have chosen to look at these posters because I am thinking of using them as a reference for my own poster for my trailer. In the posters all the characters are making an expression that I think describes there personality's in the movie or how they react to the main part of the plot in the movie. Also there is a lot of light on the characters and the poster it self is looks quite bright and cheerful, compared to horror movie posters.


Most horror film posters have a black or a blood red background, because it shows that the film is scary or gorey. Horror films are total oposite to a romantic comedy films. Even there posters are totaly opposite because horror posters usually have a black background to show that the movie is dark, sinister, and scary. But romantic comedy films are happy and funny so the posters are more bright and positive.

Adventure movie posters have bold and saturated colours, and look very epic. In all the posters, they have captured the most epic moment in the movie, to draw peoples attention and make them want to watch the film. Also in most of the posters, the lighting is coming from behind the characters, which gives some of them a silhouette effect.

Movie posters with out characters/people are rarely used, it took me a while to find movie posters that don't include characters. I found posters with out people more interesting because they make you think about them. For example when I first saw the poster for super man it made me think about the glasses and how it is linked to the movie. When superman disguises him self he wears glasses, so when I saw the poster it drew my attention and made me think about the movie. I think the poster is simple but effective. I was thinking of making my movie poster like this.

I think that animation posters are very bright and colorful. The colours are also very bold and strong, and there isn't much desaturated colours in the posters. Also the art styles are very similar and they have a smooth round feel to them. Also the characters all look happy, and there is no character that looks upset or sad.

I like the layout of the poster because the title, colour, and image all work together to make the poster look great. I also think that all the colours complement each other. I like this poster because it shows the beauty of space and it also shows the earth below which also looks like the sea. I like the lighting because it shows he's moving forward and isn't looking back. I also think the text goes well with the image because the colour and style doesn't take over the poster, it complements the poster itself making it look even better.

The image on the right is a scale of diffrent paper sizes you can get. But most posters sizes are about A3 -A0 

Task 3


I edited the footage I had with Adobe Premier Pro CS6. When it loaded up I clicked on new project, and then imported all my footage by clicking on File > Import > and then I selected all my files and clicked Open.

After that all my footage appeared at the bottom left corner. Then I dragged and dropped the footage on the right and placed all my footage in order. Even the images I made for the trailer which are the sponsors I created.

Then I selected the footage and cropped them to the right length,by selecting one side so a red cursor appears and then cropping it so its the footage I want with no extra scenes.

Also I found it difficult to change the lighting from one of my footage's because when I shot the scene the lighting was too bright so I tried to edit the lighting in this software but it didn't really change much. After I realized that I could have fixed the lighting by changing the setting on the camera. But I was going to re film the scene but the actors were busy. So I had to just use the footage I had in the best way possible.

I went to the bottom left and clicked on Effects > Video Effects > Colour Correction and then selected Brightness & Contrast and dragged and dropped it on to the footage I wanted to edit. 


 Then on the top left I clicked on Effects Controls > Brightness & Contrast and decreased the brightness and increased the contrast. 


Even though I edited the lighting the footage was still to bright. But I still used it anyway.

After that I edited the sound of the footage by clicking on it and then going to effect at the top left, and increasing or decreasing the volume of my sound, so its just right. 


Then I added extra sound like music and sound effects, for example a car crash sound. The same way I would add my footage, by going to File > Import > and then selecting all the sound I want in my trailer then click Open. Then select them from the bottom left and drag and drop them in the wright place, and crop them to the correct length.


After that I created my intro by clicking on Title > New Title > Default Still. 

Then I clicked on the Type button on the top left, and after that I clicked on the center and typed the in the text I wanted, and highlighted all of it so I could change the font by clicking on one of the box's under Title Style. Then on the right I clicked on Background > Colour and changed the colour green. Then above that there was a text colour changer which I clicked on to change the colour of the text to wight. Then on the left bottom left I clicked on the two box's under the word Center so my text would be in the middle of the page, and then I pressed the X button on the top right. 

Then on the bottom Left I selected my title and dragged and dropped it to the beginning of my trailer. Then I created another Title for the end with the title of the trailers name, which is First Date and I put Coming Soon.

Then I created my video by going on File > Export > Media


Then I clicked on Format > Windows Media Player

I made sure the length of the video was write by looking at the bottom of the window that was opened, that looks yellow  and made sure its 2.30 minutes long because, when i looked at it, it was a minute longer and if I exported it,the footage would have an extra minute at the end of the video that would be blank.


And then I clicked Export