Sunday, 14 September 2014


Darksiders is a action, adventure video game about the four horsemen. The video game was inspired by the Bibles book of Revelation, which was about the apocalypse and the battle of Armageddon. In the video game you play as a character called War who is one of the legendary horsemen of the apocalypse. Darksiders was first released in North America on 7th January 2010. The beginning of the video game starts off with the apocalypse, there are demons and angels fighting in the human world and then War appears and starts to fight both the angels and demons, to create order he ends up meeting the general of the heavens army, and discovers that the other horseman have not arrived and the seventh seal has not been broken. The seven seals were created by the council because in the past there were only angels and demon and they were always fighting so a mediator group named The Charred Council, arose to to create order and balance. They ended up making the four horseman, of the apocalypse War, Death,Strife and Fury. There job was to enforce the Councils laws when necessary. 

As this was happening humanity emerged and the Council , called humanity the third kingdom the kingdom of man. The council knew that humanity was not ready for the end war so they created the seven seals, so that when man kind was ready the seventh seal would be broken, and then the four horsemen would ride into battle across the earth and punish the guilty and the ultimate fate would decided on the three kingdoms.

As War finds out that the seventh seal was not broken the general of heavens army is killed by a demon called Straga. War then fights Straga and is defeated but is saved from death by The Charred Council. The Charred Council accuses War of destroying the balance and bringing the apocalypse early, and helping the destruction of mankind, siding with the forces of hell. War try's to convince them that he is innocent, and demands a chance to find the real culprit behind this. The Council agrees but on two conditions, he has to be stripped of his former power, and he has to be bound to one of their keepers, called the Watcher who has the power to kill War if he strays from his mission. The game is basically about War finding out who the culprit is that framed him. When War returned to earth every thing was destroyed, he found out that 100 years have past while he was with the Council. In the end there is a big twist, it turns out that it was the Council who framed War and the game ends with War saying he is going against the Council but not alone and then breaks the final seal calling the other horsemen to help him.

I have played this video game and i really like it, I thought it was very interesting because as your playing the game your on the edge of your seat wondering who framed War. I also really like the designs of the game and the characters. The artist of the game is Han Randhawa. 
When you are designing a character you draw quick sketches of what you think the character will look like. For example look at the one above, they have draw the same character with different looks and in different poses. I really like the character design of the character below, because his wings are different to the way people normally draw wings, and i think he looks really cool.

The graphics in this game are really good and the colours used are a tiny bit dull to give the affect of chaos and war. There is also a variety of colours used, for example look at the image below, the further away everything is the more saturated the colours are. The colours in the image below are dull and not very bright, apart from the main character. When the main character is really angry he turns into a big fiery monster. But if you look he stands out in the image because he is the main character, the colours used for the main character are strong and bright.

There is also a part 2, to the game but the game is about Wars brother Death who is one of the other, four horsemen. Darksiders 2 was released on 14th August 2012 in North America. This game is about when War was being judged by The Charred Council, whilst that was happening Death was trying to prove his brothers innocence, by setting off on his own personal journey. The description I have given of the game is very very short. There are a lot of other things that happen and a lot of things Death has to face, fight, kill and solve. I have played the video game and I think the game is very interesting.

This is when Death goes to a different dimension to visit the demon lord Samael. I like the background and the structure of the building. The colours used are dark and bold.

I really like the character design of Death. I think he looks really cool and I think the outfit he is wearing is very unique because you wouldn't see someone wearing that in real life. Also you can tell by his body language in the image on the left that he is tough. By looking at the image on right you can tell Death is an intimidating person. The expression on his face is focus and anger. Death usually fights with two scythes one in each hand. I think the art style is pretty interesting because the characters figures are very bold, and enhanced for example Death has a very slim waist and a wide torso. Death is also the leader of the four horsemen.

This is Deaths horse called Despair, I think Despair looks very cool, and you can see some of the bones of the horse with some flesh. The image below is Death's Reaper form, when Death becomes like this he is very powerful, and strong he then uses one big scythe instead of two slightly smaller scythes.

The monsters in the game are pretty cool, I realized that in the image above, all the monsters have a hunched back. My favorite monster in the above image is the first one because it looks kind of cute, with its huge torso and 4 arms but tiny legs. Also if you look at its facial expression, it looks very cheeky and happy. The image below is for the island of the dead, its showing the designs and sketches of the ideas the makers of the game had, for what creature will move the island of the dead. The idea they went with is the dragon with the giant spike in its head, the spike has a chain attached to it that is also attached to the island of the dead which is floating.

The character on the left is called the Crow Father, who is also called The Keeper of Secrets he gives death information throughout the game. The character on the right is called Ostegoth, who sells merchandise to Death along his journey.
These are some of the weapons death finds and uses on his journey. Each of the weapons have different ability's, and strengths some are very difficult to find and some are very easy but the more rare or more difficult to find weapon or item is stronger. Over all I think the video game is very good, and i really like the artwork the artist has produced through out the game, there style is kind of bulky and bold, which i think suites the game and the theme of apocalypse.

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